The Greenway Takeover Grant Program provides funding to organizations and individuals that seek to present a community engagement program or activity at the 2019 Greenway Takeover Festival, taking place on September 5-8, 2019. Funds are provided by HB Sound & Light and administered by the Community Foundation.
Live music and entertainment is our passion and sharing that with the community is the reason we exist. HB Sound & Light, Altru Health System, and Happy Harry’s Bottle Shops want to give you the opportunity to show your creativity at the Greenway Takeover Festival. Performance, community involvement, art, or collaboration - your imagination is the limit. We provide the space and let you “takeover.”
Three grants will be awarded - $1,250, $1,000, and $750.
Online Application Opens: Monday, June 3, 2019 at 9:00 AM
Online Application Deadline: Wednesday, July 3, 2019 at 5:00 PM
Because this opportunity is open to organizations and individuals alike, find the Greenway Takeover Grant Application on the portal under Individual Applicants - Available Grants. If you have an organizational profile on the portal, ensure that you have also requested access as an Individual Applicant on your profile dashboard in order to access this specific application.
New registrations for the online portal is strongly required well in advance of application submission.